An important message for our customers: Due to the unprecedented delays within the supply chain, rapid changes seen in both product and freight costs, the price reflected on this website may not be correct. We sincerely apologize for this, and in order to get the most up to date information on specific product availability and pricing, please contact Bill Kudzia @ 877-398-5558, or feel free to email him

Privacy Policy

Revised 06/19/2023


Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available on our homepage and at every point where personally identifiable information may be requested. Our practices on the information we collect and how we use it is noted in the section below: DETAILED INFORMATION PRACTICES.

Information Sharing

We do not sell your information to third parties. We do not share your information with outside parties or services except to the extent necessary to conduct the activities indicated in this privacy statement. We do not permit outside parties or services to process or use your information for any purposes other than those stated here.

As noted elsewhere on our web site, due to the nature of its business, NovaVision, the parent company of Thermal Images, regularly cooperates with law enforcement agencies. If we suspect you are involved with counterfeiting or making a fraudulent purchase, we may proactively share your information with law enforcement agencies. From time to time, law enforcement agencies request information from us, and we comply when we believe that their access to such information is justified, or when we are compelled to furnish such information.

We never use or share the personally identifiable information provided to us online in ways unrelated to the ones described in this policy without also providing you an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses.

Our Commitment to Data Security

To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect.

Your Access to Your Information

You can correct factual errors in your personally identifiable information by sending us a request that credibly shows error.

If you are covered by applicable laws or regulations that grant you the right to request access to any personal information that we may hold, or the right to be forgotten, you may request such actions via the contact information below and we will respond within 30 days. Subject to any exemptions provided by law, if you exercise your right to be forgotten, we will delete your personal data from our systems and provide you with written confirmation of the deletion.

To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access, making corrections, or deleting any personal data.


Our polices and practices are designed and intended to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation passed by the European Union in 2016, which set rules for how companies manage and share personal data.

How to Contact Us

To contact us regarding our privacy policy or for information regarding personal information, please send an email to Our phone number is +1 (419) 354-1427. NovaVision's business hours are from 8:30am to 5:30pm Eastern Daylight Time.


How We Use Information That You Provide

We use the information you provide about yourself and your company to:

  • Provide products and services that you purchase or request from us
  • Ship orders
  • Communicate with you regarding your comments and questions
  • Provide customer service
  • Send order confirmations, shipping confirmations, order tracking information, invoices, billing statements, and other transactional communications
  • Send order follow-up emails
  • Send customer satisfaction surveys

In addition to storing information you provide on the internet servers where it is collected, we will store some of this information in our internal sales, customer relationship management, and shipping systems to facilitate order processing, customer service, and follow-up communication.

If you request that we ship an order to someone other than yourself, we use that third party's information only to ship the order and/or to confirm delivery.

We also use information from automated collection sources such as cookies, server logs, security auditing applications, web site analytics applications, and tracking technologies. This information is gathered to aid in the understanding of the ways visitors access and use our web site, which helps us determine web site usage volume and patterns over various time periods. It also enables us to make improvements, to troubleshoot problems, and to identify sources of possible information security threats, fraud, and other unlawful activities. Data from automated sources is retained for limited periods of time ranging from days to several years.

We use information such as public IP address, browser, operating system, and date and time to track usage of our web site and to help us improve our web site. We do not tie this information to individual users, but use it in aggregate form for statistical purposes.

Information That We Collect

Personal information that we collect and possibly store, when you decide to provide it, includes:

  • Name
  • Company name
  • Job title
  • Postal address
  • Shipping address
  • Email address
  • User ID
  • Phone numbers
  • Fax numbers
  • Payment information, including credit card numbers or other banking information
  • Password
  • Order information, including order numbers, PO numbers, and items purchased

Personal information that we collect from automated sources such as cookies, server logs, security auditing applications, and other tracking technologies:

  • Your public IP address
  • Access times
  • Browser type and version
  • Operating system and version
  • Device information, such as make and model of the device used to access our web site
  • Web pages visited


Cookies are small data files stored on your hard drive by your web browser. They facilitate some of the features of our web site.

Users from EU member countries will be presented with an option to consent to the use of cookies, and will be presented with options to decline the use of some cookies. Some aspects of our web site will not work properly without specific cookies, so-called "essential cookies." To avoid essential cookies, users should disable cookies in their web browser. Due to the ever-changing variety of web browsers, we cannot offer instructions here for disabling cookies for all browsers; your browser's built-in help or support features would be a good place to find that information. Following is a list of cookies or other tracking technologies that you may encounter due to your online interactions with NovaVision.

Essential Cookies

Essential cookies are used by our website to serve content and assist in the functioning of our shopping cart. Our web site will not function properly without these cookies. These cookies are not optional.

Provider Domain(s) Cookie Name(s) More Information
These cookies are required for our site to function as expected, providing content and ecommerce features.

Analytics Cookies

These cookies integrate with Google Analytics, and allow NovaVision to monitor site usage trends in order to aid in improving the web site. Web site usage data is transferred to Google, and is made available to us via Google tools for analysis. This data may be used by Google for benchmarking against other web sites. NovaVision does not track individual users in Google Analytics. These cookies are not required for the proper functioning of the web site.

Provider Domain(s) Cookie Name(s) More Information _ga

Cookie Control Cookies

These cookies are generated by CIVIC's Cookie Control application, which provides controls to European Union users to toggle cookies on our site. This data is only used to determine if the other optional cookie categories listed in the privacy policy have been accepted by the user. These cookies are not required for the proper functioning of the web site.

Provider Domain(s) Cookie Name(s) More Information CookieControl This cookie is used with CIVIC's Cookie Control to determine if European Union users have accepted the use of our optional cookie categories.

MailChimp Tracking Pixel

Some of our order follow-up emails are sent via an automated system. We use MailChimp’s Mandrill service to deliver these automated emails. All of these automated emails will be related to a specific order that you placed with NovaVision. They will contain unsubscribe links in case you want to notify us that you do not want to receive them in the future.

If you open an order follow-up email from us, it may contain an invisible single-pixel image called a “beacon” that will allow MailChimp to detect when an email has been opened, or a link in the email has been clicked. MailChimp transfers this open and click information to us so that we can correlate it to existing information in our systems in order to understand whether users are responding to our email communications.